Just for you to know, when I started this blog, I decided that I didn't want to make a blog for telling my experiences, but that I wanted to use it mainly to share my thoughts.
This time, I do want to share my thoughts, but I can't avoid to share also the reason of them, which is directly connected to a wonderful event that is happening in my life...
But before getting there, I will go straight to the tittle of this post...
When life bring changes...
The only constant thing in life is change, and that is something you will find out if you haven't yet.
No matter how much you plan your life, there are events that will definitely change your life, some times immediately, some times after a while.
I'm not going to give you a lecture on how to overcome these changes, but I just want to share with you my thoughts about it.
For me, these last 2 years have been a huge shift in my life, thanks to the fortune all for good.
At the beginning of those 2 years, I was still finding myself (and to do that I had to travel some thousand kilometers, you see?!). At that time I had very clear ideas on how my experience would be: I will enjoy the 1.5 years in Estonia, and then I will go back to Venezuela to continue my own business.
Now, life has changed, and I'm in Kuala Lumpur starting a new chapter in my life, full of excitement and full of expectations.
Once again, the plans are being re-adjusted, but that is what has brought this wonderful spark in my life, the fact that life is not defined, and it is ready to be explored...
When changes bring life...
This is the part when I share the big event, and for those who are intuitive enough, would have guessed already what it is about due the tittle of this post.
Among the huge shifts that had happened in my life within these 2 years, the most special one was to find happiness and love in one person, that special person that is the main reason of these words (and the words from the prior post from many months ago too).
Our hearts met, and we are now sharing dreams, goals, moments and future.
And now, this big change in my life has brought a bigger one, which is the change of bringing a new life between us...
At the moment I'm writing these words, has passed 11 weeks since this new life has started to grow... Zlata and I are becoming parents!
The happiness in our hearts can only be compared with the immense love we have for each other and for our new little human "bean" (at this point looks like a little bean :-) )
I'm aware of the shift that this post have had... it started in a philosophical mood, but now it ended up very personal... but guess what... that is part of the wonderful changes that life brought to me!
Because now my life is not only mine... my life now has meaning because of this new family we are starting...
Dedicated to the love of my live... Mi Consentida... Zlata
I wish you the best for the comming changes in your life, full of energy and love for your familly...
I have to say I share your feling when you say "is amazing how the previous 2 years changed my life", at the same tiem I am really glad to know that yours went as well in a tremendous positive way...
All the best my friend....
Carlos Marquez
Botero, escucharte decir que ahora lo más importante para tí es el bienestar de tu familia, de verdad que me hizo comprender el enorme significado de este cambio en tu vida...
Tú vas a ser un papá maravilloso, estoy segura de eso.
Te deseo mucho amor y sabiduría, y que Dios bendiga tu nueva familia.
Te quiero mucho Botero.
That's great news man.. I can't imagine how pretty and smart your bean will become :D He/she will be really lucky to have parents like you and Zlata.. I hope you and your family a very looong life, full of happiness, success and changes ;) Hope to see you and Zlata sometime, somewhere again.
its all, COK GÜZEL!!! =D
P.S. I'm planning to go Venezuela in December for Luis's wedding :) and hopefully I'll consume loooots of Arepas and RUM :D
Wow... my friend welcome to the club!! Very happy for you two.
Few things always create time for you two and create time for the kid(s). enjoy it will be a very nice and rewarding experience in your life ...
Not sure what language you will be teaching him/her but i am sure it will know more than two !!
Keep me posted and take care
Best Henrique
Oh man,
huge congratulations to you both! Hope to see you both (or both three?) here in Prague some time in the future!
Good luck there in Kuala Lumpur,
Michal Špaček
Congratulations Carlos!
I bet your father would be proud. Glad to see that everything is going well on your end bro and I hope that good fortune keeps smiling to you and your new family.
I saw your mother on those pics (just as I remember her). I really happy for you bro. Keep it up.
Manuel Alvarez
Kike! I'm happy for both of you! cool! my congratulations! It's great! I wish you all the best, missing you so much
kisses from South Coast of Crimea, Ukraine ;)
I hope to meet you someday with your baby :P
I'm so happy for you my friend and your babies mother Zlata :) since first moment I saw you together, I had a feeling that between you exist something what other people can't recognize. This was a huge love and strong contact...
Congratulations to you both and take care of each other.
And babe should know that has already an aunt in Lithuania :)
All the best for you...
Kristina Baronaite
Mi querido ahijado: Que maravillosa noticia. Qué manera tan bella de expresar con palabras todas las emociones que estás experimentando en este momento. No me queda ni la más mínima duda de la suerte que va a tener tu fututo hijo al tener un papá como tú. Estoy segura además que supiste escoger a una mujer maravillosa, que supo encontrar a alguien con un corazón grande y sincero como el tuyo. Te quiero mucho Kike. Me alegro profundamente por ti.
I'm so excited for you "bean" to sprout or in other words for your baby to come into this world! I know that you will be an amazing father without a doubt! Congrates for the both of you...What's fun is that although you've discovered the world the adventure has yet to begin until you raise your own child....A wise man once said "You can be the most powerful man in the world or even the wealthiest as most aspire to become but you haven't become anyone until you become a father"...I hope this is true times a thousand! Just when we think we know anything God sends you such a blessing that allows you to restart your adventure!
Tu primita Alexandra
Wuao... No te imaginas lo feliz que estoy en este momento por ti. Ahora recuerdo tus palabras cuando yo era una pequeña en AIESEC y recuerdo la inspiración que fuiste ppara mi. Estoy segura de que esa pasión tan bonita que ponías en lo que hacías, te hará un papá excepcional... De verdad estoy segura de las grandes cosas que harás como papá. Te mando muchisimos deseos positivos y espero que ese amor que se ve en cada una de tus palabras siga creciendo...
Muchos besos y felicidades desde tu pais,
Anita :d
Felicitacionesssss una vida nueva, una nueva esperanza y luz para nuestro planeta muchas felicitaciones chamo... Los mejores deseos para los dos estoy segura de que van a ser muy buenos padres
Un abrazo
kikin felicidades :D
espero que disfrutes mucha esta nueva etapa de tu vida, y a ver cuando se les ve las caras a los 3 :D
de nuevo felicitaciones
I am sure that this is just the beggining of a happy life!
Congratulations for you both!!!
Marcio Soriano!
My Dearest Friend Carlos, and the love of his life Zlata,
I'm really glad that you both are much happier now that you are together and congratulations on the baby that will come to this world and share your love for eachother because this kind of love only happens once in a lifetime :)
To the baby, I hope you read this before blogs become out of data, LOL, your parents love you so much even from the first moment they knew they will have you, you are very lucky to have such amazing parents :)
lots of love,
Super Sue (well Super Carlos & Super Zlata will be needed after you have the baby so I won't be the only super one! ;) LOL)
WOW it is so wonderful news :):) the best congratulations to you and Zlata, i agree with Mustafa- this kid will be for sure incredibly smart and beautiful!!!
Wish all the best for three of you :)
chamo felicitaciones de un Maracucho! esto es huge! :)
Hey Kike! Congratulations again, man!
You deserve the most of happiness and I am sure this little bean is bringing lots of it for your family!
He/She couldn't be more fortunate to have such parents!
All the best for the three of you!
Luiz Fernando
Kike, o que mais eu posso dizer: Parabéns!
Eu vi o brilho em seus olhos quando voce olhava para Zlata, e vi o mesmo brilho nos olhos dela quando ela estava contigo!
O amor é como um broto. Cuide com carinho, atenção, paciência, e se transforma em uma arvore firme, com flores e frutos. Que o amor em sua vida sempre cresça!
E para este pequeno que vem ao mundo: Bem vindo, e Deus te Abençoe!
jeez... can't say anything that other people didn't write so far but to express my immense happiness for you two (three!)
I'm sure that whatever you guys will decide to do, this kid will grow as the happiest ever!
all the best,
wow thats great!
Enjoy your time and make him become a pretty child!
He can learn chinese from me too, lol
All the best!
Primo!!! It's GREAT NEWS and we're very happy for Zlata and you.. and the little Botero "bean" coming! :o)
Definitely life has given you an incredible turnaround opportunity, you've worked hard for it, and only God knows how He does things and what paths He has for us to walk through.
Our best wishes for you guys in everything coming!
Kike, Zlata and "Little Bean":
We are thrilled for both of you. Children are the reason we live for and the reason we get up every day.
They bring happiness along with smelly diapers, don't forget.
Can you move a little bit closer so we can visit the new baby? Please keep us informed as you progress.
Hugs and kisses,
Tio Lorenzo and tia Clara
Amazing, simply amazing! Kike and Zlata, we are so glad for you!! This little baby will change the world, it has already changed with these news, but you'll see - the impact just continues to grow once he/she grows older.
Wish you lot of bravery, creativity and love in your journey! First for two of you and then all the others around you will share their part.
Me and Maru are sending the warmest congratulations!!
Kike! Wow! que grata sorpresa! tremenda noticia!
Me alegro muchisimo por ti! Y por ese chamin que viene al mundo a un hogar lleno de amor!
No debo tener ni la mas remota idea de como te debes sentir en estos momentos (espero saberlo algun dia! jejeje). Comparto todo lo bueno q debes sentir!
Un fuerte abrazo desde Africa! Muchas Felciidades a Zlata! y TODAS las bendiciones del mundo para su retono o "bean"! jajaja
Seguimos en contacto! espero seguir el crecimiento de ese baby!
Jorge Luis
aka. El primo del primo!
Kike!!! Tiempo sin saber de ti... No sabes cuanto me alegra esuchar que encontraste alguien tan especial con quien compartir tu vida, y que ademas Dios los bendijo con un niño que esta en camino...
Les deseo lo mejor en esta nueva etapa de sus vidas, y bienvenidos sean más cambios asi de buenos!!!
Saludos desde españa,
El Primo
Padreeeeee que éxito voy a tener un hermanito. Lo máximo. Y esta stepmom me gusta!!!!
(Bueno menos mal que no eres mi papá bilógico pq ahora q lo pienso si con 27 años me nace un hermanito sería un poco creepy, jajaja)
Bueno, en serio. Mil felicitaciones a los dos de corazón y cuiden mucho a ese angelito que viene en camino (Kike, eso significa: consiente mucho a Zlata y todo lo que diga y quiera se lo das, ok!!!?!!)
Un besote y mantengan actualizadas las fotos de mi new baby sister or brother.
La primogénita Mónica, (jejeje)
Being able to know you through some of those changes during past couple of years, I just can't express enough how happy I am for you and Zlata!
I know that you are going to be great parents and I wish you all the best in the journey of getting the "bean" to actually the point of greeting the new person in this world.
Lots of hugs from Finland and keep us posted! ;-)
Primo, Zlata, y Muppet
Me encanta tener nuevos integrantes en la familia, y la alegria q ustedes le han traido a mi primo se extiende hasta mi.
Se q habran cambios en sus vidas pero sin ellos, q gracia tendria la vida? Se q habra momentos dificiles, pero sin ellos como aprenderiamos? Pero también estoy segura q los momentos felices seran inolvidables y aunq lejos los estare acompañando todos los días y compartiendo con ustedes cada gran evento por pequeño q paresca.
Un beso y un abrazo q perduro por mucho tiempo. Los quiero mucho
Wow Kike que buena noticia! No puedo creer que vas a ser papa. Me algro muchisimo por los dos y estoy segura que todo este va a cambiar la vida en una manera myu linda.
Les deseo toda la felicdad y mucha salud. CUnado saben si es nina o nino nos avisas asi te podemos ayudar con el nobre. :P
Com carino,
Didi :D
Wow. I'm so happy for both of you. What great news! Amazing.
Keep us posted about the growing tummy and new experiences.
Many warmest hugs from Estonia,
Kadi & Oliver
Un bebito al grupo!! Enhorabuena a los dos, porque un bebito es cosa de dos no? ;-) Pues nada a ver si sale igual de viajer@ y aventurer@ que sus papas. Recuerdale que tiene una tita en Berlín a la que hay que visitar también :-p
Me algero mucho und wie man hier sag ALLES GUTTE UND LIEBE
La Berciana de los Berlines
Mil felicidades, a eso le llamo noticias! Nos estamos volviendo grandes!
Hey!! you never did stop surprising me... You Kike... have an amazing heart! since the first day I met you in Isla Margarita hahaha (i wanna go back). I´m so happy that you found love (Zlata seems like an amazing person :)) and that you are going to be a DAD!!! OMG! i can´t believe it! you are getting older and wiser ;). I have no doubt in my mind that this "bean" is gonna come into this world filled with love and caring, and that he is going to be just HAPPY!!! and of course have the best parents!
I hope you guys can come to Costa Rica one day, I really think you will like it!!!
Best Wishes!!! Take care
Costa Rica
Kike, mi hermanito es todo un papá! Nadie mejor que tú para ser papá. Un hombre cariñso que no tiene miedo a decir lo que siente cuando lo siente y dar todo de sí. Que dicha y bendiciones los cubran siempre. Ese pequeño frijolito definitivamente ya viene con la alegría de tener a unos padres tan enamorados y tan bellos.
Los quiero MUCHO!
Me haces falta.
Como tu dices en los últimos 2 años los cambios siempre han estado presentes dándote vida y ahora son ustedes dos los que dan vida.
Believe it por not you are ALLWAYS in my heart.
Sandy - Una tía orgullosa
Kike, hermano de casa!
Tenho uma grande felicidade de saber deste presente de Deus na nossa vida! Que tudo dê certo na vida nesta família que se forma! Se tiver alguma festa pode me chamar que eu vou! Com todo prazer!
Desejo tudo de bom para vocês e seu novo human bean!
Abrazos do Brasil!!!!
Hugo Lousa, el matador
Kike, my flatmate, my dear friend!
I've been very happy to hear this news. I wish you to enjoy every single moment of your new life. As somebody said, the baby will be a real change agent. Look forward to meeting you all.
Regards from Moscow,
Congratulations Kike!
Que emocion!!!! Les deseo en serio todo lo mejor en esta nueva etapa de su vida :)Quien pensaria hace dos anos que estarias escribiendo esto! Muchos besitos a los dos :)
Chamo, me esperaba de todo menos eso, que impresionante, la sorpresa solo es sobrepasada por la alegria, como dijiste cuando hablamos escasas horas atras, todo esta cambiando. Neverovatno, sada stvarno moram da idem i da upoznam tvoju zenu, eh pa onda neka ti je sreca tebi i tvojoj novoj familiji,
P.S. si quieres saber lo que dice ahi, o lo traduces o hablamos el domingo, jejejeje, FELICIDADES PADRE
WOW FELICITACIONES! Rotundas felicitaciones. Qué alegría saber que estás mejor de lo que esperaba!
Se te quiere mucho y espero conocer a tu nueva familia en persona soon.
Un abrazote y TODO lo mejor! :)
Hola Kike y felicitaciones por esa nueva personita que pronto llenara tu vida aun mas. Sebastian tambien va a ser papa en 10 dias, asi que pronto sere abuela. Mi nieta se llamara Sofia...la familia sigue creciendo!!!
Te deseo lo mejor y muchas bendiciones para ti y tu nueva familia!!!
Tere Kike,
what a great news :) I wish you and Zlata all the best and keep my fingers crossed for your baby :)
Will he(she) speak at least a little estonian? ;)
Lot's of hugs from Poland,
Kikecito!! No sabes lo feliz que me ha hecho recibir esta noticia.. Les deseo lo mejor del mundo para ti y para Zlata y para esa pequenita bendicion que esta creciendo poco a poco. De todo corazon deseo que esta nueva etapa este llena de bendiciones, amor, felicidad y todas las cosas bellas que te mereces.
Sabes que a pesar de la distancia y que no tengamos la oportunidad de conversar a menudo se te quiere y recuerda bastante. Dale muchos saludos a Zlata y consientela mucho!!
Recién me estoy enterando de la noticia de este milagro tan hermoso!! Qué alegría que vayan a traer a un ser humano lleno de amor y que será privilegiado al tener a dos padres que lo esperan cargados de emoción y que desde ya nos permiten compartir con ustedes el fruto de un amor puro y tan grandioso.
Estoy que la emoción no me cabe en el pecho de lo linda de esta noticia!! Qué espectacular, recién cuando Angie me comentó me sentí muy feliz y les mando mis más sinceras felicitaciones.
Les deseo lo mejor en esta nueva etapa de sus vidas y deseo que sigan adelante preparándose para ser padres extraordinarios.
Kikecito, te quiero muchísimo, y tu felicidad y la de Zlata nos llena de alegría porque uno siempre se siente feliz cuando a las personas buenas como ustedes, les suceden cosas tan extraordinarias como esta. Mil felicidades...
Jejeje... sorry que me extienda tanto, pero es que estoy muy emocionada y feliz por esta súper noticia!! :D
Adriana Moreno.
I think I know quite well what you mean by life bringing unexpected changes.. But creating a life yourself must be feeling God-like! Reading this post about you and Zlata and little Eduardo Josef Botero Vasek :)just made my day!!! I am so happy for you and your family! You two are such a cute family already, I can only imagine how much love and happiness you three together are going to bring to each other and everybody around you! I am sending you my warmest greetings from Africa! Birgot
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