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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Síguete a ti mismo, sino te perderás

(Follow yourself, or you will get lost)

Click here for English


Reciban todos un gran saludo desde la República Checa de parte de este Alumni de AIESEC Venezuela

Me han pedido que cuente rápido que cosas he hecho en AIESEC y como AIESEC ha cambiado mi vida.

Pues, todo comienza cuando me uní al comité local de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, eso fue en Marzo del 2003.

8 meses más tarde fui elegido Vicepresidente de Intercambios de AIESEC Venezuela lo cual me brindó la oportunidad de trabajar más de cerca con AIESEC en el resto del mundo, en especial en conferencias internacionales como en el Congreso Internacional de AIESEC en Hannover, Alemania en 2004. ¡Fue una experiencia realmente impresionante!

Culminé mi período en Venezuela y luego fui a formar parte del equipo de soporte del comité nacional de AIESEC en Colombia en el área de Ventas y Desarrollo Corporativo. Estando allá me dí cuenta como AIESEC trabaja de formas diferentes en distintas partes del mundo, pero como de todas formas todos luchamos por la misma causa...

...El desarrollo del potencial y el liderazgo en los jóvenes

Regresé a Venezuela, y luego de ver que había mandado y recibido tantos jóvenes de todos y a todos lados, decidí que me tocaba a mi vivir esa experiencia, y así fue como terminé trabajando en Estonia para Skype.

Durante ese tiempo tuve la oportunidad de viajar y mostrarle al mundo más sobre Venezuela y nosotros los Venezolanos y a todos lados donde iba, ahí estaba AIESEC (ver fotoblog)

Luego de casi 2 años de estar en Skype, se me presentó la oportunidad de ir a Malasia para trabajar en MindValley, que para quienes no lo saben, es una empresa de Internet Marketing que es 80% AIESECa... vale la pena que le echen un vistazo...

Hoy día me encuentro en República Checa trabajando en un proyecto con el cual he soñado ya desde hace mucho tiempo pero del cual no puedo dar muchos detalles todavía... pero pueden seguirme los pasos en Twitter

Y por qué en República Checa...?

Bueno, resulta que AIESEC no sólo me ha brindado la oportunidad de crecer personal y profesionalmente, sino que además gracias a AIESEC he conocido a quien es hoy mi amada esposa Zlata Botero Vaskova...
(mira mis 2 post anteriores)

Nos conocimos por primera vez en Finlandia en una conferencia de AIESEC donde yo era Chair, y nos re-encontramos casi un año después en Estonia en un Global Village organizado por AIESEC Tallinn...

Como lo notarán, yo soy un fanático de AIESEC, y la verdad luego de ver todo lo que he podido vivir gracias a AIESEC, como no podría serlo...?

Es mi historia una historia exitosa?... Esa decisión "It's up to you!"...

Por mi lado puedo decir que hasta ahora he vivido con intensidad cada momento y sé que apenas esto es el principio...

Para cerrar, les dejo esta cita de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, la cual mi querida esposa me recuerda a menudo:

"Nada debe ser más apreciado, que el valor de cada día"

Les deseo que tengan una vida muy feliz...




Greetings from Czech Republic from this Venezuelan AIESEC Alumni.

I was asked to tell in short my AIESEC experience and how AIESEC has changed my life so far.

Everything started when I joined the local committee of AIESEC UCAB (at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello), that was back in March 2003.

8 months later, I was elected as the national vice president of Exchange for AIESEC in Venezuela which gave me the opportunity of working and sharing closely with more AIESECers all around the world, specially during conferences like the International Congress of AIESEC 2004 held in Hannover, Germany. It was a truly amazing experience!

I finished my term in Venezuela and then became part of the National Support Team of AIESEC in Colombia in the department of Sales and Corporate Development. Being there I found out how AIESEC works in different ways other parts of the world, but how we all strive for the same cause...

...The development of the potential and leadership of young people

I went back to Venezuela, and after considering that I have sent and received people from and to all around the world... I thought it was my turn to liev such experience, and that is how I ended up working in Estonia for Skype.

During this time, I had the opportunity to travel and show to the world more about Venezuela and the Venezuelans, and wherever I went AIESEC was there. (See fotoblog)

After almost 2 years in Estonia, a new opportunity came to my life to work for the Malaysian company MindValley, which in case you didn't know, it is very successfull Internet Marketing company with 80% of AIESECers in it... If you are looking for an portunity to grow and learn, you better check it out.

Today I'm now in Czech Republic working in a project I've been dreaming about for a while already. I can't give you details about it at the moment, but to keep updated you may follow me in Twitter

And why in Czech Republic you may be asking...?

Well, the thing is that AIESEC not only gave me the opportunity to grow internally and professionaly, but also thanks to AIESEC I got to meet who is now my lovely wife Zlata Botero Vaskova... (check out 2 previous posts)

We met for the first time in Finland during an AIESEC conference where I was the Chairman, and we re-met almost a year after in Estonia during a Global Village organized by AIESEC Tallinn...

As you may notice, I'm a big fan of AIESEC, and after seen all what I have lived thanks to AIESEC, how couldn't I... ?

Is my story a successful story?... that "It's up to you!" to decide...

On my side I can tell you that I have lived with passion every moment and I know that this is just the beginning...

To close, I would like to leave you with this quote from
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, which my wife lovely keeps reminding me:

"Nothing is more highly to be prized than the value of each day"

Wish you to have a truly happy life...


Monday, February 23, 2009

The Story of a Belly called Edie...

This post is with less words, and one video with pictures...

Welcome Edie to this wonderful world!

- Your Dad.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

One-way ticket to parenthood please...

Yes, that is correct... Parenthood is a one-way ticket...

I make this analogy based in how I was felling today... just to let you know, today Sunday 22nd of February, is the day when Zlata is going to the hospital and spend the night there before our son Eduardo Josef is born tomorrow Monday 23rd of February 2009.

So, in the morning we woke up, I prepared breakfast, we made sure we had everything we need ready, the bag with the clothes, etc...

At this moment, I just said to Zlata... "You know my love... I have now a similar filling to another feeling I had before already 4 times..."

In case you didn't know, Eduardo Josef is my very first child, so it was very curious for Zlata that I said that I have had a similar feeling already 4 times before!

Then, I explained...

"Yes, I'm having feelings right now very similar to the days I was just about to fly to a new country to move there for a longer period than 6 months..."

So, I had similar feelings the same day I was going to travel to Madison, Wisconsin when I was 19, and also I felt similar when I went to Cali, Colombia when I was 25, and when I went to Estonia a year after that, and to Malaysia more recently.

I've been in many other places also traveling for vacations, but these 4 destinations were in particular very special since I was not going for a short period, and in all of those 4 occasions I was not sure what was going to be my next destination, nor if I was ever going back to anywhere...

You might be thinking that such a situation might have made me feel unhappy or scared or nervous... but if you know me well, then you know that I was totally the opposite!

I was always very happy, even calm... but definitely looking forward to the new adventure!

Going back to the conversation I had with Zlata, I explained her then that at that particular moment I was feeling in the same way I felt 4 times in the day I was going to travel.

The curious thing is that the feeling is... like if I'm not going anywhere!

Yes... those 4 times, exactly at the day of the travel, even being at te airport just before boarding... I was feeling nothing special... It was for me just like the day before... just that I was carrying 2 big suitcases, one carry-on and my backpack...

And so far, my feelings are still very similar to those 4 moments, and they are evolving in the same way too...

Here is how it goes:

1) As I described before, at the begining I'm just calm, not feeling any special or different emotions even at the airport, even after checking my bags.

2) Then, I'm in the plane... and then there is a change... I'm still calmed, but now after I left behind all other ties I had to the day before... my mind starts to wonder in short term memories, about things I was living in the past months... then (since usually the trip is for more than 8 hours) I fall asleep....

3) I wake-up... I'm still in the plane, and there is still half way to go... emotions are now different... I'm now trying to imagine how will it be to cross the door outside of the airport, and meet new people and a new enviroment... I just try to get the feeling of been there.

4) I arrive... and I'm in a totally new world, different to any thought before, and I'm very excited and looking forward to explore every corner...

For me, I can apply this same analogy to the experience of becoming father... right now I'm already in the 3rd step...

And tomorrow I will arrive... my only one-way destination to parenthood.