Just for you to know, when I started this blog, I decided that I didn't want to make a blog for telling my experiences, but that I wanted to use it mainly to share my thoughts.
This time, I do want to share my thoughts, but I can't avoid to share also the reason of them, which is directly connected to a wonderful event that is happening in my life...
But before getting there, I will go straight to the tittle of this post...
When life bring changes...
The only constant thing in life is change, and that is something you will find out if you haven't yet.
No matter how much you plan your life, there are events that will definitely change your life, some times immediately, some times after a while.
I'm not going to give you a lecture on how to overcome these changes, but I just want to share with you my thoughts about it.
For me, these last 2 years have been a huge shift in my life, thanks to the fortune all for good.
At the beginning of those 2 years, I was still finding myself (and to do that I had to travel some thousand kilometers, you see?!). At that time I had very clear ideas on how my experience would be: I will enjoy the 1.5 years in Estonia, and then I will go back to Venezuela to continue my own business.
Now, life has changed, and I'm in Kuala Lumpur starting a new chapter in my life, full of excitement and full of expectations.
Once again, the plans are being re-adjusted, but that is what has brought this wonderful spark in my life, the fact that life is not defined, and it is ready to be explored...
When changes bring life...
This is the part when I share the big event, and for those who are intuitive enough, would have guessed already what it is about due the tittle of this post.
Among the huge shifts that had happened in my life within these 2 years, the most special one was to find happiness and love in one person, that special person that is the main reason of these words (and the words from the prior post from many months ago too).
Our hearts met, and we are now sharing dreams, goals, moments and future.
And now, this big change in my life has brought a bigger one, which is the change of bringing a new life between us...
At the moment I'm writing these words, has passed 11 weeks since this new life has started to grow... Zlata and I are becoming parents!
The happiness in our hearts can only be compared with the immense love we have for each other and for our new little human "bean" (at this point looks like a little bean :-) )
I'm aware of the shift that this post have had... it started in a philosophical mood, but now it ended up very personal... but guess what... that is part of the wonderful changes that life brought to me!
Because now my life is not only mine... my life now has meaning because of this new family we are starting...
Dedicated to the love of my live... Mi Consentida... Zlata